Saturday, January 4, 2020

William Blake s `` The Angel `` And `` A Little Girl Lost ``

The purpose of this research paper is to introduce William Blake and give a brief background information about his life. In addition, this research paper will also provide: An analysis of two different poems wrote by William Blake, the message of both poems, how his life might have influenced his poems, and which other factors influenced him to write these poems. â€Å"The Angel†, â€Å"Love’s Secret† and â€Å"A Little Girl Lost† are some of the famous poems wrote by William Blake. For a long time, people ignored his art works and believed that he was insane. Nowadays, he is recognized as an important figure in poetry, although his artistic carrier started as an illustrator and later on as an engraver. Soho, London is his country of birth, place where he lived almost his entire life. Blake was born in 1757. He was the son of James and Catherine Blake. During his childhood, his friends thought he was a â€Å"weird† kid. His parents noticed that he was treated different and did not forced him to go to school. Instead, he was home schooled and learned to write and read. Several times during his childhood, he said he had visions in which he saw God and also saw angels. His parents, of course, did not believe on him and thought he was making things up. Because of his â€Å"visions†, in the present, some critics say that he is a spiritual artist. William Blake was influenced by a variety of artist that he felt identified. His father bought art work copies of Raphael, Michelangelo, Giulio RomanoShow MoreRelatedWilliam Blake s Innocence And Experience Analysis Essay1529 Words   |  7 PagesIsha Fidai Amber Drown English 2323 14 September 2016 William Blake s Innocence and Experience Analysis The Romantic Era was a movement in literature that began in the late seventeenth century throughout the eighteenth century that was mainly influenced by the natural world and idealism. 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